Monday, March 24, 2014

It's all good

Seriously guys, we are in love with our major. I mean there are times when you want to pull your hair out and give up, but the good times totally outweigh the bad.

Also BABY GOAT!!! I never even knew how precious they were, but then I met little baby thor and died a little. He is the cutest and I love him.

I like my friends a lot. They are the best. I also love 4 wheeling with them and eating hot dogs. It's always a good time.
Also I love my missionaries. I really really really miss my Whitney Minnick. Today I got her email and I was rushing to class and so I read it really quick and she told me how she just send a know the usual goodness. I then got back from the longest day of school and she had written me another email that said, "I just want you to know that you are great. I LOVE YOU!!!"
And as simple as it was, this second email made my day.
I love YOU, Hermana Minnick.
Come back soon cause I'm dying without you. 

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