Sunday, June 16, 2013

I Love My Dad

Happy Father's Day to ^this^ man!
My dad rocks because:
1. He teaches me how to be a hard worker.
2. He gave me brains so I can do well in college.
3. He makes the best pizza and volcano cakes out there.
4. He works hard to give me everything.
5. He makes me laugh.
6. He let's me be my own person.
7. He let's me know how strong his testimony is.
8. He takes me to Lake Powell and Disneyland, and who could want anything else?
9. He pushes me to be the best.
10. He is always there for me, and supports me in everything that I choose to do.
I love you dad. You are one in a million, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. Thanks for being so cool :) You rock my world.

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